
Members of the group are actively participating in national and international projects, covering a wide spectrum of fundamental and applied research. The following paragraphs provide a list of projects according to their main focus, although most of them involve multidisciplinary research.
Initials in parentheses indicate the members of the group involved in each project (A.C.: Alexandros Chatzipetros, A.M.: Anastasia Michailidou, G.P.: George Papathanassiou, K.M.: Kiki Makri, R.C.: Riccardo Caputo, S.D..: Stratos Delogkos, S.P.: Spyros Pavlides, S.S.: Sotiris Sboras, S.V.: Sotiris Valkaniotis).
Initials in parentheses indicate the members of the group involved in each project (A.C.: Alexandros Chatzipetros, A.M.: Anastasia Michailidou, G.P.: George Papathanassiou, K.M.: Kiki Makri, R.C.: Riccardo Caputo, S.D..: Stratos Delogkos, S.P.: Spyros Pavlides, S.S.: Sotiris Sboras, S.V.: Sotiris Valkaniotis).
- "Transfer of information for earthquakes in the broader Troy area" (2007-2008). (S.P., A.C., S.V., A.M., S.S.)
- "Investigation of active seismotectonic characteristics and seismic hazard at the southern part of the Aegean plate between Burdur and Mugla, SW Turkey" (2007-2008). (S.P., A.C., A.M.)
- "Aspetti metodologici dell' archeosismologia" bilateral project Italy-Germany (Programme Vigoni 2005) with the University of Colonia funded by CRUI and DAAD (R.C.).
- “Paleoseismolocal research on the active Volvi faults (Mygdonia, central Macedonia) and Oropos - Avlona - Kaparelli” (2000 - 2002).Funded by the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (E.P.P.O.). (S.P., A.C., S.V., S.S.)
- "Quantitative study of the recent brittle deformation and seismic fault behaviour in Beijing (China) and Thessaloniki (northern Greece) areas". This was a co-operation between the Department of Geology (A.U.Th.) and the Institute of Geology of the State Seismological Bureau in the frame of a common research protocol between Greece and China (General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Ministry of Industry, Research and Technology, Greece). In the frame of this co-operation fieldwork was performed in Yanking basin area, NW of Beijing. (S.P., A.C.)
- "Images, terrains et patrimoine du nord-bengale (Bangladesh)", bilateral project France-Bangladesh (2002-2005) (R.C.).
- "Crustal strain measurements in Thessaly, Central Greece by use of satellite geodesy (GPS), differential interferometry (dInSAR) and morphotectonics", bilateral project Italy-Greece (Joint Research and Technology Programs) (2002-2003) (R.C.).
- “Map of Greek active faults – Macedonia area”. (S.P., A.C.)
- "Indagine geologico-strutturale e morfotettonica dell'area della diga del Pertusillo" (resp. scientifico R. Caputo) nell'ambito del Progetto MIPAIS-InterReg MEDOCC con la Provincia di Potenza (R.C.).
- "Study on the relationship between geological active faults and radon gas emanation in northern Greece". Co-operation between the Department of Geology (A.U.Th.) and the Nuclear Physics Laboratory of the University of Ioannina (1994-1995). Scientific co-ordinator: Ass. Prof. K. Ioannides. Studied areas were Mygdonia basin (Macedonia, northern Greece) and Petoussi fault (Epirus, western Greece). (S.P., A.C.)
- "Neotectonic evolution and active deformation of Santorini (Thera) island area". Subproject of the "Research and observation of Santorini island volcano" project (1994 - 1995, EPOCH 4.1.1. EC research project). (S.P., A.C.)
- “Elaboration of the 1:100.000 scale neotectonic map – Kozani sheet”. (S.P., A.C.)
- "Evoluzione geodinamica quaternaria dell'Appennino meridionale sulla base di dati strutturali e paleomagnetici", project funded by Italian Ministry of University and Research - MIUR (COFIN 2000-01) (R.C.).
- "Controlli paleoambientali sulla produzione di sedimento e le geometrie deposizionali in sistemi carbonatici delle Dolomiti e dell'Avampaese Apulo", project funded by Italian Ministry of University and Research - MIUR (COFIN 2004-05) (R.C.).
Applied research
- "IGI POSEIDON: Study of geological hazards in Greece" (2011) (S.P., A.C., S.D.)
- "Checking of issues pertaining to geology, neotectonics and seismicity in relation to the final lining study of T2 and T3 tunnels (PATHE highway)" (2011) (S.P., A.M.)
- "Investigation of ground rupturing at the broader Mavropigi area, Ptolemais Municipality" (2010-2011) (S.P., A.C., A.M., S.D.)
- "Study of the surface ruptures along a geological fault in Thermaikos Municipality" (2006-2007). (S.P., A.C.)
- "Geological - seismological study of Lagyna fault in Langadhas" (2006). (S.P., A.C.)
- "Development of a global methodology for the vulnerability assessment and risk management of lifelines, infrastructure and critical facilities in cities. Application to Thessaloniki city (SRM-LIFE)" (2003-2006). (S.P., A.C.)
- "Foundation of engineering works in seismically "problematic" soils under strong ground motion (X-SOILS) (2003-3006) (S.P., A.C.)
- "Investigation of the risk of a potential seismic rupture of Atalanti fault and proposed design of OEK buildings" (2003) (S.P., S.V., S.S.)
- "Promotion, protection and sustainable us of Polyphemus - Maronia cave" (2002-2003) (S.P., A.C., S.V.)
- “Study on the development and exploitation of the unnamed cave at Ermakia Community, Aghia Paraskevi Municipality, Kozani Prefecture” (2001 - 2002) (A.C.)
- “Impact of surface fault ruptures on overlying buildings as derived by observations during Turkey and Taiwan earthquakes” (2000 - 2002). Funded by the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (E.P.P.O.) (S.P., A.C.)
- "Studies of seismic hazard, control and completion of construction studies for the ‘Kozani - Larissa national road’ project". There has been an engineering geology and neotectonic study of this part of the road, accompanied by large-scale geological mapping (S.P., A.C.)
- “Neotectonic study at the Polyfytos – Ilarionas – Elafi dams’ broader area” (S.P., A.C.)
- “Geological - geotechnical studies for housing appropriateness of settlements in Kozani county meisoseismal area". The geological - geotechnical conditions of settlements in the Kozani meisoseismal area, that was hit by a large earthquake on May 13, 1995, were studied in detail in order to define areas suitable for rebuilding. (S.P., A.C.)
- "Integrated neotectonic - seismotectonic - engineering geology study in the May 13, 1995 earthquake Kozani - Grevena meisoseismal area”. The neotectonic and engineering geology aspects of the May 13, 1995 earthquake meisoseismal area were studied in detail. (S.P., A.C.)
- "Geological study of fracturing in Larissa broader area". Research project funded by Larissa Prefecture (1994 - 1995). (S.P., A.C.)
- "Study of fractures in Rizomylos (Magnesia) area". Research project funded by Magnesia Prefecture (1994 - 1995). (S.P., A.C.)
Seismic hazard
- “Seismic hazard harmonization in Europe (SHARE)” (2009-2012). 7th Framework Programme, Theme 6: Environment, ENV.2008. Development of a common methodology and tools to evaluate earthquake hazard in Europe, Grant agreement no.: 226967. (S.P., A.C.,R.C., S.S., G.P., A.M., S.V.)
- "Seismotectonics of the southern sector of East Siberia" bilateral project Italy-Russia (Consortium EINSTEIN-Russian Foundation for Basic Research) (R.C.)
- “Seismological study of the faults in the broader Kassandra mines area” (2010). (S.P., A.C., A.M., S.D.)
- "Studi geologico-geofisici integrati per valutare la pericolosità sismica locale in aree di pianura" project funded by University of Ferrara (2009-2010) (R.C., S.S.)
- “Active fault risk evaluation study and definition of the antiseismic design parameters for engineering works at critical sites of the outer Thessaloniki ring road" (2009). (S.P., A.C., A.M.)
- "Seismogenic sources database" (2008-2009). INGV-funded project. (S.P., R.C., S.S., A.C.)
- "Seismotectonic research in Komanos lignite mines, Ptolemais" (2008-2009). (S.P., A.C.)
- "Studi geologico-geofisici integrati per valutare la pericolosità sismica locale in aree di pianura" project funded by the University of Ferrara (2008-2009) (R.C., S.S.)
- "Determinazione del potenziale sismogenetico in Italia per il calcolo della pericolosità sismica" project funded by Italian Department of Civil Protection (2007-2009) (R.C).
- "Use of current earth science methods in seismic risk management with emphasis on the built environment of northern Aegean islands". (2006-2008) (S.P., A.C., S.S., G.P.)
- "Study of the dependence of seismic risk in the wider area of Corinth from the deep tectonic structure and interaction of faults" (2005-2008) (S.P., S.V.)
- "Contribution of seismology, geology and geophysics in recognizing active faults and their expected ground motion in selected sites with emphasis on Macedonia and Thrace areas". (2005-2006). (S.P., A.C., S.V.)
- "Scenari di scuotimento in aree di interesse prioritario e/o strategico", project funded by Italian Department of Civil Protection (2004-2006) (R.C.).
- "Terremoti probabili in Italia nel trentennio 2005-2035" project funded by Italian Department of Civil Protection (2004-2006) (R.C.).
- "Evaluation of strong ground motion characteristics in isoseismal area of the 7/9/99 earthquake in NE Attica and their contribution in Seismic Hazard Assesement of the area" (2000-2002). Funded by the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (E.P.P.O.). (S.P., S.V.)
- "Terremoti probabili in Italia tra l'anno 2000 e il 2030: elementi per la definizione di priorità degli interventi di riduzione del rischio sismico", project funded by Italian Group for the Defence from Earthquakes - GNDT 2000-2002 (R.C.).
- "Raccolta ed elaborazione di dati sismologici, geofisici e geochimici per la individuazione di deformazioni indotte dall'attivazione sismica di discontinuita' tettoniche nelle zone peri-adriatiche", project funded by Italian Ministry of University and Research - MIUR (COFIN 1999-2000) (R.C.).
- "FAUST: Faults as a seismological tool", project funded by European Union (1998-2000) (R.C.).